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September 26, 2023: Preparing for Medicare Open Enrollment Period
Are you ready for the upcoming Medicare Open Enrollment Period? Every year from Oct. 15 – Dec. 7, Medicare gives you the chance to review and make changes to your current coverage. Avisery by AgeOptions will educate participants on how to prepare and get support, as well as highlight some of the key benefit changes, caveats and costs.
Click here to watch the recording on YouTube Click here for slides from this presentation Click here to learn more about the Illinois Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP), which offers free and unbiased counseling on Medicare options. |
August 22, 2023: Modes of LGBT+ Representation in Film and Video
This August we welcome Arnold Aprill, a community organizer with an arts and learning background who is currently part of the Howard Brown Health Aging Services team. Arnold will discuss the role of the arts in liberation movements and identity formation, with emphasis on LGBT+ representation in film.
We will also highlight the great work of Rainbow Café, an LGBT+ film series that has been running in the South Suburbs of Chicago for nearly 10 years. Click here to watch the recording on YouTube Click here for slides from this presentation |
July 25, 2023: Managing Stress and Trauma: The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) - Part 2
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) provides a resiliency informed approach to trauma and toxic tress. It teaches that people are resilient, and people need to learn how skills of well-being can be cultivated and how they can reduce suffering. CRM is both trauma informed and resiliency informed care, it invites us to get to know our nervous systems and our internal sensations. It prompts us to ask not only what is wrong, but what is right about each of us, and what are our strengths.
We welcome back Maureen Burns from The HAP Foundation to lead participants through Part 2 of the model, following Part 1 this past February. She will review the core concepts of CRM and introduce the skills of Grounding, Gesturing, and Shift & Stay. Click here to watch the recording on YouTube Click here for slides from this presentation |
June 27, 2023: Pride Month Discussion: 'What Does PRIDE Mean to You?'

In honor of Pride Month, we had an open discussion of what PRIDE means to each of us!
This event was an opportunity to meet & greet other Thrive with Pride participants and partners.
We spent the hour getting to know each other better and simply celebrating in community.
This event was not recorded.
Click here to see the few slides shared.
This event was an opportunity to meet & greet other Thrive with Pride participants and partners.
We spent the hour getting to know each other better and simply celebrating in community.
This event was not recorded.
Click here to see the few slides shared.
May 23, 2023: Parkinson’s Disease & the LGBT+ Community: Research for a Cure
The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease for the 6 million people worldwide living with Parkinson’s. Maddie Kutler (they/them) at MJFF is part of a team increasing diversity and inclusivity in research initiatives such as the Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI), a study to better understand how the disease starts and changes over time. Karen Williams (she/her) and Dr. Danielle Larson (she/her) are aiding in these efforts on the PPMI team at Northwestern University.
Join Maddie, Karen, and Dr. Larson at our May Thrive with Pride event, where they will discuss what Parkinson’s disease is, how it impacts the LGBT+ population, and why research participation is so important. Click here to watch the recording on YouTube Click here for slides from this presentation, including clickable links to learn more about PD & get involved |
April 25, 2023: The Mis Fed and the Mis Led: Nutrition & Health in Older Adults
This presentation represents a short discussion about the importance and implications of nutrition in health and disease. It will attempt to share some facts about those implications, some sources of good information on nutrition and a quick overview of how Mom’s Meals is trying to help.
Join Joe Smith from Mom's Meals as he leads us through this discussion. Click here to watch the recording on YouTube Click here for slides from this presentation |
March 28, 2023: Is Caregiving Different for LGBT+ Caregivers?

There is often a conception that “caregiving is caregiving,” but there are ways that gender norms, cultural norms, policy and other structural issues create unique challenges for caregivers, and unique opportunities. In this presentation, Dr. Elliot Montgomery Sklar, associate professor of health science at Nova Southeastern University in Florida, will provide a forum for caregivers to share experiences and learn from one another.
Click here to watch Dr. Sklar's opening remarks on YouTube.
As Dr. Sklar mentioned, the Caregiver Teleconnection program hosts one-hour conference calls on a variety of caregiving topics, including a special Pride series in June, at no cost. See their upcoming schedule at their website.
Click here to watch Dr. Sklar's opening remarks on YouTube.
As Dr. Sklar mentioned, the Caregiver Teleconnection program hosts one-hour conference calls on a variety of caregiving topics, including a special Pride series in June, at no cost. See their upcoming schedule at their website.
February 28, 2023: Managing Stress and Trauma: The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) is a resiliency informed approach to trauma and toxic stress centered on the idea that people are resilient. With it, people can learn to cultivate skills of well-being and how to reduce suffering. CRM prompts us to ask not only what is wrong, but what is right about each of us, and what are our strengths. CRM is about empowerment, and it teaches that regardless of our external stressors, we can develop skills that help us widen our resiliency zone and enable us to show up as our best selves.
Join Maureen Burns from The HAP Foundation as she leads participants through the model and how to incorporate resiliency skills into our lives. Click here for Maureen's Slides Click here to watch the recording on YouTube |
January 24, 2023: LGBT+ People on the Inside - A Model of Care & Support

LGBT+ individuals make up a greater proportion of people who are on the inside than their proportion in the US population as a whole. With the rising numbers of older adults who are on the inside, the numbers of LGBT+ older adults who are incarcerated is also rising. This month, join Reverend Martha Daniels as she shares her spiritual advocacy work building a system of spiritual support, encouragement and care for and with LGBT+ individuals both inside and outside of prison.
Click here for a recording of Martha's presentation.
Click here for a copy of the slides.
Click here for a recording of Martha's presentation.
Click here for a copy of the slides.
November 22, 2022: Reframing Ageism in the LGBT+ Community
Thrive with Pride welcomes Serena Worthington, former director of U.S. and global collaborations at SAGE—Advocacy and Services for LGBTQ+ Elders, and current program officer at RRF Foundation for Aging. Serena is the project lead for RRF’s Reframing Aging Illinois initiative, a “long-term social change endeavor designed to improve the public’s understanding of what aging means and the many ways that older people contribute to our society." This was a discussion of how ageism affects us all, with particular focus on combating ageism in the LGBT+ community.
Click here to view Serena's slides Visit for more information on this initiative. |
October 25, 2022: The Stonewall Generation - Sex, Sexuality, Aging and Activism
When we talk about sexuality and aging, LGBT+ elders have additional concerns regarding their gender and sexual orientation. For many of these elders, arriving at a time in life as a senior can evoke fears and concerns about “coming out” that they hadn’t dealt with in years. This program, presented as a conversation between Dr. Jane Fleishman and activist and longtime community leader Dr. Imani Woody, offered the historical context and the voices of LGBT+ elders expressing their memories of the LGBT+ rights movement and their hopes and fears for tomorrow.
Click here to view the recording of this conversation on YouTube. Click here to learn more about Mary's House, DC, and Dr. Imani Woody Click here to learn more about Dr. Jane Fleishman, purchase her book, or listen to her podcast |
September 27, 2022 - Making Medicare Work for You
Are you getting the best coverage for you? Navigating your insurance options is never easy – but you don’t have to go it alone! Avisery by AgeOptions offers information and trainings for professionals and consumers to help make Medicare work for you. Avisery joined us for our September event to share information on the "ABCD's" of Medicare and answer questions live.
Click here to watch the presentation on YouTube Click here to see the slides from this presentation Click here to find more information for SHIP (Senior Health Insurance Program), which can provide free and unbiased couseling on Medicare options. Remember - Medicare open enrollment begins Octoboer 15th of every year. Be sure to review your plan and coverage EVERY year! |
August 23, 2022 - Pride Action Tank: Advocates for Affirming Aging Services
Since 2016, Pride Action Tank’s OUTAging Committee has worked to create safe and affirming spaces through educational events, storytelling and advocacy trainings and other visibility activities. Kim L. Hunt, executive director of Pride Action Tank (PAT), joined us to talk about how PAT does its work while centering the voices of LGBT+ older adults and shared lessons learned over the years.
Click here to view Kim's presentation on YouTube. Visit the Pride Action Tank website, and sign up for action alerts. |
July 26, 2022 - Serving All Who Served: LGBT+ Veterans and the VA
LGBT+ Americans are more likely than their heterosexual or cisgender peers to have served in the armed forces, but it hasn't always been a safe or easy fit. AgeOptions hosted Becky Powers, LCSW, LGBTQ+ Program Coordinator at Jesse Brown VA Medical Center for a discussion of the unique issues facing LGBT+ veterans and an overview of how the Veterans Administration is working to serve all who served. Whether you're a vet or know one, this presentation offers valuable information you can use to find the best care possible.
Click here to view Becky's presentation on YouTube Click here to view Becky's slides as a PDF |
June 28, 2022: BINGO!
Eleven months out of the year, Thrive with Pride provides timely and topical information for LGBT+ older adults. In June, we do something purely fun! World Famous *BOB* hosted our Pride Bingo this year. "Fabulous" prizes were awarded for each bingo game - AND for best dressed (a close contest, but ultimately carried by the rainbow mohawk).
May 24, 2022: 2022 Fraud Update from Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

Stay one step ahead of fraudsters and scammers by learning from the Illinois Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) at AgeOptions. Jesus Enriquez of the SMP shared how you can "Protect, Detect, and Report" - how to avoid being a victim, tell if your personal information has been compromised, and where to report fraud if it happens to you.
Watch Jesus's presentation here on YouTube.
View or download Jesus's slides here.
And make sure to visit the Illinois SMP website to sign up for fraud alerts, download tip sheets, and learn how to report scams!
Watch Jesus's presentation here on YouTube.
View or download Jesus's slides here.
And make sure to visit the Illinois SMP website to sign up for fraud alerts, download tip sheets, and learn how to report scams!
April 26, 2022: One Roof Chicago - LGBT+ Age Friendly Housing

Chicago's LGBT+ community is facing pressing needs at both ends of the lifespan: a crisis in youth homelessness and an acute lack of culturally competent support for older adults. Janice "Jano" Boyd-Layne, Treasurer of the One Roof Chicago board, shared the organization's vision to build a welcoming and inclusive intergenerational community for older adults and young people most in need of affirming housing, meaningful connection, and career development.
Click here to view the event recording on YouTube
Click here for a copy of Jano's slides
Click here to visit the One Roof Chicago website
Click here to view the event recording on YouTube
Click here for a copy of Jano's slides
Click here to visit the One Roof Chicago website
March 22, 2022: Legislative Advocacy Update

In March, Aaron Tax, Director of Advocacy at SAGE, and Emma Bessire, Grassroots Organizer for SAGE, shared updates on current legal and policy issues affecting the LGBT+ older adults community. Their discussion covered current and upcoming legislation, as well as how to be a part of advancing equity for LGBT+ elders in Illinois and around the country.
View the recording of this presentation by clicking here.
Click here for slides from this event.
Sign up to become a storyteller with SAGE.
Sign up for the Action Squad, SAGE's advocacy email list.
View the recording of this presentation by clicking here.
Click here for slides from this event.
Sign up to become a storyteller with SAGE.
Sign up for the Action Squad, SAGE's advocacy email list.
February 22, 2022: Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body

For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. In this presentaiton, the Alzheimer's Association presents new information about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and offers tips on hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging.
Watch this presentation on YouTube.
Click here to download the slides.
Download the Alzheimer's Association Healthy Living for Your Brain & Body workbook.
Download the 10 Ways to Love Your Brain handout.
Watch this presentation on YouTube.
Click here to download the slides.
Download the Alzheimer's Association Healthy Living for Your Brain & Body workbook.
Download the 10 Ways to Love Your Brain handout.
January 25, 2022: Your Benefits Update for 2022

Could your budget use a boost? Breda Moran of AgeOptions shared information about public benefits available you - including SNAP, Benefits Access Application (Bus Pass and License Plate Discount), Medicare Savings and more! Watch Breda's presentation to learn the many benefits you may be eligible for, and hear about volunteer opportunities to help others receive resources that will help them thrive.
NOTE: This presenation contains information that is current as of January 2022, but eligibility and benefits often change. If you are curious as to what benefits you may be eligible for, call AgeOptions for a free consultation with one of our information and assistance specialists at (800)699-9043.
Watch Breda's presentation on YouTube
See Breda's slides
Visit AgeOptions' Benefits Enrollment Center webpage for more information. Call AgeOptions at (708)383-0258 for a free benefit screening.
NOTE: This presenation contains information that is current as of January 2022, but eligibility and benefits often change. If you are curious as to what benefits you may be eligible for, call AgeOptions for a free consultation with one of our information and assistance specialists at (800)699-9043.
Watch Breda's presentation on YouTube
See Breda's slides
Visit AgeOptions' Benefits Enrollment Center webpage for more information. Call AgeOptions at (708)383-0258 for a free benefit screening.
December 28, 2021: Healthy Movement for the New Year
December’s event featured Margaret Danilovich, PT, PhD from CJE. Margaret discussed the "exercise prescription" for aging well, and helped us set ourselves up for healthy success in the New Year. This great presentation covers the science behind why exercise works, and offers practical tips on what kinds and how much movement you'll need to maintain your health as you age.
Click here to view the presentation on YouTube. Click here for a copy of the slides from the presentation. Click here to learn more about FREE exercise classes from CJE. Click here for a self-assessment on your fall risk. |
November 23, 2021: Advanced Planning for LGBT+ Older Adults

Thrive with Pride is pleased to present this practical training session. Michael Stone, legal director for the Center for Disability & Elder Law, discussed how to plan ahead to protect yourself, your loved ones and your assets, as well as the free services available through the Center.
Watch Michael's presentation on YouTube.
See Michael's slides, including some slides that were not shown in detail on our call.
Visit CDEL's website to learn more about free and low-cost legal services in Cook County.
October 26, 2021: Celebrating LGBT+ History
Join AgeOptions and Dr. John D'Emilio, PhD for a celebration of Chicago's LGBT+ history. Learn more about the Gerber/Hart Library and Archives, which has served as a collector of Chicago's LGBT+ history and artifacts for 40 years, and hear stories from Chicago's LGBT+ community, past and present. Watch John's presentation here on our YouTube channel. Visit the Gerber-Hart Library and Archives online or in person on their website. Check out Gerber-Hart on Facebook for more great photos and events! |
September 28, 2021: Making Medicare Work
Navigating your insurance options is never easy – but you don’t have to go it alone! Avisery by AgeOptions offers information and trainings to professionals and consumers to help make the most of Medicare’s many benefits. Our September cafe featured two Avisery employees discussing the "ABCD's of Medicare" and answering questions.
Click here to see the video of their presentation on YouTube. Click here to learn more about Illinois SHIP - the Senior Health Insurance Program - which offers free and unbiased counseling on Medicare options. |
August 24, 2021: Memory Matters - Dementia in the LGBT+ Community
Amy Cunningham, Research Coordinator from the University of Washington presented information about dementia and caregiving in the LGBTQ community. Aging with Pride: IDEA (Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action) the first federally funded program designed to help those experiencing memory loss and their caregivers in the LGBT+ community.
Click here for the Aging with Pride IDEA study homepage, or take a brief quiz to see if you qualify to participate. Click here to view Amy's presentation on our YouTube channel. |
July 27, 2021: Trauma and Resilience
LGBT+ individuals often experience trauma - not because of who they are - but because of how they are received by a heterosexist society. Dr. Mauricio Cifuentes, a clinical social worker with decades of practice in trauma and recovery, lead a discussion of how we can draw upon our own and our community's resiliency to overcome the traumatic past and embrace healing and purpose.
Dr. Cifuentes's remarks on YouTube. |
June 2021: Pride Month Bingo!
May 2021: Meet Your Elder Justice Advocates
In preparation for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in June, AgeOptions' Aging and Disability Rights coordinator, Jamie Farrell, presented on key figures who help keep older adults safe at home and in long term care facilities.
Meet your Elder Justice Advocates: Adult Protective Servcies and More on YouTube. "Engage 2 Change" from the Illinois Department on Aging offers an overview of elder abuse and Adult Protective Services. |
April 2021: Mental Health in the Age of Pandemic

Nikki Rashes of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) Metro Suburban joined us for an important discussion of mental health and how we can take of our own mental health - and each other's - as we continue to live through the COVID-19 pandemic. Nikki also shared some of NAMI's resources, which are free for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis.
Mental Health in a Pandemic Age on YouTube
More information on NAMI and the Living Room model.
Mental Health in a Pandemic Age on YouTube
More information on NAMI and the Living Room model.
March 2021: Affirming Care

Matthew Vail, LCSW, of Rush University Medical Center discussed the importance of affirming healthcare for the LGBT+ community, and introduced Affirm: The Rush Center for Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Health. Matthew presented on his work, and hosted a lively discussion afterwards (the discussion was not recorded).
The Importance of Affirming Care and How to Find it on YouTube.
Affirm: The Rush Center for Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Health.
The Importance of Affirming Care and How to Find it on YouTube.
Affirm: The Rush Center for Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Health.
February 2021: Advanced Care Planning

Kelly Rice of Howard Brown Health's Aging Well program joined us to discuss the basics of Advanced Care Planning, with special attention to how BIPOC communities and LGBTQ folx may be impacted. Kelly also commented on end of life practices and concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Advanced Care Planning for the LGBT+ Community on YouTube. Find a link to Kelly's slides in the video description, plus many of the links Kelly mentioned.
Although you do not need an attorney to begin putting an advanced care plan together, free legal help is available through the Center for Disability and Elder Law. CDEL's "Proud to Thrive" program.
Advanced Care Planning for the LGBT+ Community on YouTube. Find a link to Kelly's slides in the video description, plus many of the links Kelly mentioned.
Although you do not need an attorney to begin putting an advanced care plan together, free legal help is available through the Center for Disability and Elder Law. CDEL's "Proud to Thrive" program.
January 2021: Healthy Living in the New Year
Peggy Tully, AgeOptions' Health Education Implementation Coordinator will presented on helpful programs to help you "Take Charge of Your Health," manage a chronic condition like diabetes, prevent falls in your home and outside, and promote balance and well being with Tai Chi.
Click here to watch a video of Peggy's presentation on our YouTube Channel. Learn more and find a program near you at the IL Pathways to Health Website (click here to open this page in a new tab). Click here to see a helpful "Home Safety Checklist" that you can use to make your home safer today! |
December 2020: Giving Back for the Holidays

Our December plenary featured the co-founders of Senior Rainbow Assistance Program, Jessica Jonckheere and Jennifer Jonckheere. Jessica presented on the history and mission of Senior Rainbow, and we had a Q&A session after the presentation.
Click here to view the presentation on our YouTube channel.
Click here to view Jessica's slides from the presentation.
Click here to view the presentation on our YouTube channel.
Click here to view Jessica's slides from the presentation.
November 2020 - Celebration of Chosen Families & Caregiving

Our November plenary featured AgeOptions' Caregiver Program Coordinator, Amanda Wojan, who covered what caregiving is, who "family" caregivers are, and resources available to keep caregivers connected during the pandemic.
Click here to see a recording of Amanda's presentation on YouTube. A link to her slides and to several other helpful resources is in the video description below the recording.
Click here to see a recording of Amanda's presentation on YouTube. A link to her slides and to several other helpful resources is in the video description below the recording.
October 2020 - Protecting Yourself from Fraud, with the Illinois SMP

Our October plenary featured Miranda Davis of the Illinois Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP), who shared the common types of frauds, and what you can do to protect yourself from scams.
To view a recording of Miranda's presentation, click here. A link to Miranda's slides is in the video description.
If you have been a victim of Medicare or healthcare fraud, call the Illinois SMP hotline at AgeOptions - (800) 699-9043
To view a recording of Miranda's presentation, click here. A link to Miranda's slides is in the video description.
If you have been a victim of Medicare or healthcare fraud, call the Illinois SMP hotline at AgeOptions - (800) 699-9043
September 2020 - Legal Update from the Center for Disability and Elder Law

The Center for Elder and Disability Law (CDEL) offers free legal help to low-and moderate-income residents of Cook County. In September, Legal Director Michael Stone joined us to provide an update on what CDEL is doing during the pandemic to help older adults stay in their homes and protect their assets.
To view September's presentation, click here. There is a link to a copy of Mr. Stone's slides in the video description.
If you are in need of legal help, CDEL's Proud to Thrive project may be able to help you for free. Click here to visit the Proud to Thrive site.
To view September's presentation, click here. There is a link to a copy of Mr. Stone's slides in the video description.
If you are in need of legal help, CDEL's Proud to Thrive project may be able to help you for free. Click here to visit the Proud to Thrive site.
August 2020 - Boost Your Budget!

Our August Cafe Plenary was held via Zoom on August 25th. Joy Aaronson, Benefits Access and Information Specialist from AgeOptions. Joy offers some ways you can Boost Your Budget with extra help from public benefits programs. Remember: Benefit Eligibility Criteria changes periodically. Information in this presentation is accurate as of August 2020. AgeOptions is not responsible for determination of eligibility or the amount of benefits granted. Always consult with current eligibility guidelines at the time of application.
Click here to view the entire presentation on YouTube. (A link to the PowerPoint slides used, and many other helpful resources, is in the video description. )
Click here to view the entire presentation on YouTube. (A link to the PowerPoint slides used, and many other helpful resources, is in the video description. )
July 2020 - Open Forum with Paula Basta, Director of the Illinois Department on Aging

Our July Cafe Plenary was held via Zoom on Tuesday, June 28th. Watch the video from our conversation with Paula Basta, Director of the Illinois Department on Aging by clicking here. All of the links and resources mentioned by Paula and Diane are listed in the video description. Don’t forget to fill out our survey! (Click here to take the survey quickly & anonymously.)
June 2020 - Our very first online cafe!

Our June Cafe Plenary was held on June 23rd. We offered an overview of the program, and insight into what AgeOptions and AgeGuide (our counterpart in the collar counties of Chicago) have to offer. Oh boy, we were very new at this - please pardon the rough video!
Click HERE to watch a video of this informational presentation.
Click HERE to watch a video of this informational presentation.