About the project.Whether you are an LGBT+ older adult, an LGBT-identified caregiver, or an ally wanting to explore what resources and benefits are available to your loved ones, AgeOptions can help connect you to affirming providers and make sure you are making the most of the benefits you may be eligible for. Explore this site to learn more, or contact us for free, personalized advice.
The Need
Although local statistics are hard to come by, national survey data reveals a growing number of LGBT+ older adults in the United States. These older adults are more than twice as likely to be unpartnered and up to four times less likely to have children than their heterosexual or cisgender peers. This leaves LGBT+ older adults more vulnerable to social isolation, a major social determinant of health - but because of years of community trauma, they may be less likely to seek services from aging services providers.
Click here to see more facts and statistics on LGBT+ aging from SAGE and the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging. |
The Model
Given LGBT+ older adults' historic (and understandable) mistrust of government and healthcare institutions, AgeOptions decided early in our project to partner with local, community-based organizations. Our partner sites in suburban Cook County are asked to provide a monthly gathering that is open to all but targeted specifically to LGBT+ older adults and/or caregivers. These "cafes" provide safe gathering spaces for LGBT+ older adults to socialize with peers, and seek and offer support, with format and content tailored to the needs and wants of their participants. In addition, AgeOptions provides our signature online educational events featuring speakers on various LGBT+ and aging topics. Click here to see past recordings and upcoming events on Zoom.
Why Churches?
We are occasionally asked why we partner with churches, given that organized religion has not always been kind to LGBT+ people (to put it mildly). Not all of our cafe partners are churches, but some are. A recent study by the Williams Institute concludes that almost 65% of LGBT+ older adults are religious, and locally, many open and affirming churches have been sources of hope, inclusion, and help - particularly in suburbs where fewer LGBT+ organizations are active. Churches are also rich community assets with volunteers, gathering spaces, and often a broad audience through their newsletter, email lists, and social media accounts. Click here to see a list of our current partners, both affirming faith communities and community-based organizations. Interested in becoming a partner site? Use the "contact us" page to let us know!
Thrive with Pride in the News:
AgeOptions was awarded an Aging Innovations award by USAging, the national conference of Area Agencies on Aging. Read about our award in the Windy City Times.
AgeOptions was awarded an Aging Innovations award by USAging, the national conference of Area Agencies on Aging. Read about our award in the Windy City Times.